Sunday, August 1, 2010

   Sorry folks I am back! I went back to school three weeks ago and adjusting to the new schedule has taken me a bit. Although this quarter is going to be a very busy one I feel it is going to be a very productive one. Along the with Sales Promotion, Survey of the fashion industry, Magic and ritual, and my Branding class, I am very enthusiastic about my Business Management class.
   The first day of class my teacher broke us up into three groups and told us we were now three different companies. As a class we had to come up with three businesses that we could all take on, that had a target market in common. We thought it would be fun to up the competition or all three groups and develop three charity groups that would give back to the tragedy on the Gulf coast. This idea worked out perfectly because their are three groups of us and three main variables in the affected part of the BP oil spill equation. The ENVIRONMENT, the WILDLIFE, and the WORKFORCE. These three variables have been devastated by the recent oil spill and over here on the un-affected west coast we are pretty much out of sight out of mind.
   My group chose to develop a group that would help raise awareness on the recent 17,000 (and growing) jobs lost due to the spill on the gulf. We have established the Logo, Charity name, Mission statement, Vision statement, slogan, and tag-line so far. My group consists of some of my favorite comrades in the Marketing department. Tommy Tu, Katie Matalvo, and Aaron Goldsmith. Together we have created a business plan that includes raising money for the WORKFORCE by selling T-shirts that will have our slogan and tag-line on them. We feel that in order to get people involved we need to provide them a part in our movement. We will be making this happen by providing a whistle necklace or key chain with each T-shirt purchase. The whistle is a symbol of NOISE which is what we have set out to do.
   The following is the work that we have produced in class. We are very proud and passionate about what we have created so far. I hope that with this blog and the work of our charity, we can make some noise and get the word out there. We know that the news has already been heard by most the population. But how much of that population has actually taken action? This is where we come in.

Take a look at what we've got so far, T-shirt designs soon to come!

Vision Statement :
The Surveillance Flux community is committed to developing the good in serving as a reminder, paying homage, remembering the lost communities, and to reinstall hope, by donating our efforts to the reformation of the gulf in this crisis.

Mission Statement :
Our mission is to relay the message, bring attention, have a voice, and create noise, so that the significance of this tragedy doesn’t fall on deaf ears.

Tag line : “Have you heard?”

Slogan : “There is no Peace without noise”

Cost of T-shirt that is in the design stage at the moment : $17.01 is a steal, and the $17 dollars is a great reminder of the 17,000 jobs lost, and the 1 cent representing the change that starts with you.

Peace, Love, & WORKFORCE
Elisabeth on behalf of Surveillance Flux