Friday, December 30, 2011

Tis the season to be shopping..

I cannot help but notice how commercial the holiday season really is. I mean, I guess it helps boost the economy, but really is all this excessive shopping and gift giving necessary? People are going crazy shopping for people that they normally would never purchase for; let alone spending money that they normally would not spend.

Once again, I sound like the Christmas Grinch, but I am a little beside myself this season. Although I am no different, I shopped amongst all the rest. I made last minute purchases, drove from department store to department store looking for the perfect gift, and I even paid for expedited shipping online.

I guess what I am trying to get at is, if I am aware of the fact that we are all little puppets following down the path of consumerism, is there a way out? Will I ever work up the nerve to say f* off to the greedy ploys of billion dollar companies? Or will I forever be a puppet?

Peace, Love & Consumerism,

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