Friday, December 30, 2011

Tis the season to be shopping..

I cannot help but notice how commercial the holiday season really is. I mean, I guess it helps boost the economy, but really is all this excessive shopping and gift giving necessary? People are going crazy shopping for people that they normally would never purchase for; let alone spending money that they normally would not spend.

Once again, I sound like the Christmas Grinch, but I am a little beside myself this season. Although I am no different, I shopped amongst all the rest. I made last minute purchases, drove from department store to department store looking for the perfect gift, and I even paid for expedited shipping online.

I guess what I am trying to get at is, if I am aware of the fact that we are all little puppets following down the path of consumerism, is there a way out? Will I ever work up the nerve to say f* off to the greedy ploys of billion dollar companies? Or will I forever be a puppet?

Peace, Love & Consumerism,

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Years resolution

As it was last year, my New Years resolution is to blog more!! I am not going to lie, I feel only having about 1 person that actually reads my blogs, might be contributing to my lack of enthusiasm. Anyhow, here I am!

It is just after the Christmas holiday and I have to admit Christmas was a bit different this year, for a number of reasons. But the number one reason it was different was the fact that Grandpa was not at home with us on Christmas Eve, like he has been every year since I was born! He is healing at an extended living facility, and we missed him very very much.

This Christmas opened my eyes and made me realize the true meaning of the Holiday season. Contrary to what the American consumer may believe, this holiday season is about family, friends and counting your blessings.

I am counting my blessings today, and every day, and wishing everyone as many blessings as they deserve.

Peace, love, & blessings,

Monday, May 30, 2011

Never forgotten

This weekend was jam packed with fun, although I still managed to get my naps in, I was grateful for the beautiful weather and the freedom to enjoy my weekend! Not a moment went by that I was not thinking about all the soldiers that serve this beautiful country. It is because of you and the sacrifices you make that I live the life that I do today. To all that have served, are currently serving or lost someone that served, this day and every damn day in this country is for you! R.I.P. our brave Veterans, you are not remembered, you were never forgotten.

Photos complements of my freedom - my Memorial Day Weekend in a nut shell...Thanks...Peace & Love


Thursday, May 26, 2011

The girls and I went to visit the California Market Center in L.A. and after that educational adventure we found ourselves tramp-sing through the Alley like the Sex and the City foursome on the streets of N.Y. We tried to negotiate the price of perfume, snapped photos on our fancy iwhatevers and went on a mad hunt for 4 pairs of floral wedges, which we all ended up purchasing with the exception of our lil black sheep who had to buy the combat boots instead, . It was quite an experience, like T.J. without the Stussy panchos and chiclet.

Peace, Love, & the dirty Alley ; )

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Smarty Pants

This is the kind of mood I am in today....well I take that back, I am in this mood everyday. I can always appreciate a little smart humor when I see it. I find that actually applying smart remarks in my every day social experiences can define me as a person. To some people, I am the class clown, the comedic relief, even sometimes the bitch. My sense of humor, like all personality traits are interpreted by all in a different way. Just like everything else, we all think feel and be in our own unique way. Posting this photo is funny to me, but to some might just be petty or immature. Take what you want from it, but remember its all about how you take it in, so next time you want to call me a bitch...ah what the heck...go for it! : )

Peace, Love, & Perception

Monday, April 11, 2011

This is a lil inappropriate but still really comical

Peace, Love & bad words

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011


Sometimes I wonder; if I could have everything I ever wanted would I be the same person? Would I be happy? Would I stop wanting at some point and feel content? Does the simple act of wanting fuel who we are on the daily? I looked at this photo (stolen from another blog) and thought, if only I could have all of those dresses in my closet, oh how happy I would be (that is if they all fit, which is nearly impossible.) Then after that superficial and yet self deprecating thought, I came back to reality. I realized that I am right, (again) If I had all those dresses and they all fit, I would just be a girl with a lot of dresses, that wants something more than a lot of dresses.

Peace, Love, & Wanting

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Funny how we are exposed to commercial so much in our lives we can without even trying identify these brands. Yet the things that we are passionate about can over time be forgotten. Stay passionate people!

Peace, Love, & Passion!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


It's funny how we can be an important part of someones life, yet not always the most prominent. I spent the evening with my pseudo mom (if she were old enough to be my mom) and the little sister I never had. Due to my/their busy schedules, we do not see a lot of each other. We spent the evening giggling and reminiscing along with making new memories and planning future ones. I drove home with a smile on my face thinking about how great it is that we can be without each other for so long and the second we come together it's like we were never apart. I love how time's almost as if that old saying is true...absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

Peace, Love, & Time

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cultural Conditioning

We are all being conditioned...Check out this painting by Stephan Doitschinoff aka Calma, he depicts the idea of cultural conditioning perfectly. Institutions like Large corporations, Governement, and media channels shape and mold who we are...what are you going to do to stop it?

Peace,Love,& Calma

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I know that most don't listen to music the way I do, but growing up listening to country music is like growing up listening to hundreds of short stories about love, heartache, family, war, first times, last times, little moments...
Today I heard a song (sorry I cant remember the title or the artist) it was about this fast paced world we are living in. It talked about how most of us go on day to day letting the media tell us how to live. We turn the television on to what the media calls "reality" television just to compare our own realities and find that ordinary is not "in"
You may not agree with the fact that there is a comparison taking place, and maybe there isn't but I believe subconsciously we are making these small comparisons which in turn make us question who we are.
I am going to do myself a favor, and next time I go to turn on the television (unless its 3:00 and Ellen is on) I am going to pick up a book, read a blog, write a letter to Grandma, or just simply breathe. I think we all owe it to ourselves to take a little break from "reality"

Peace, Love & reality

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Branding...just when you thought you had control.

As consumers we are constantly being subjected to brand placement. Whether it be on your favorite sitcom or the game show your family all gathers around the television to watch ever Tuesday night. We are all being introduced to new products as well as being acquainted with products that have been around for years.
As a marketing student I have become more aware of the advertising swagger an ad agency has; therefore when I see brand placement I can quickly acknowledge it. To an every day consumer, you might be strolling through the grocery store and suddenly wonder why putting a family size bag of late night dorritos in your cart somehow seemed to be a good idea. Not fully aware that Leonard and Sheldon had been sharing a bag of those very same dorritos the night before on The Big Bang Theory.

Take a look at this clip and discover where brand placement was born, and how far it has come!
Click here!

Peace, Love, and brand placement!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Back to School

HelloOooOoo! I am back, weird that it took being the busiest I have been in a long time to get back on here and create a blog. I am all kinds of wacky these days, but being back at school after 3 weeks of vacation has inspired me to get back into it! I am surrounded by so many creative minded individuals everyday and I cannot help but be inspired by each and every one of them.
I enrolled in a Journalism class this quarter which means I am out of my comfort zone just a bit. I am not a writer, although I would love to be, this writing stuff is not such a natural thing for me. I am the kind of person that recognizes beautiful things, has opinions on things, and experiences wild and crazy things on the daily, but can never seem to want to communicate any of these wonderful experiences at the end of the day. Besides updating my Facebook status way too often I really choose to not communicate too much.
I hate talking on the phone and unless I am in a comfortable relaxing setting I can get over a conversation very easily. I guess what my point is, is that I am growing. I am slowly stepping out of my comfort zone so I can share all the things I experience and enjoy with all of you.
So stay tuned for exciting new changes in my life and others around me. I have had the honor of being assigned the feature article for the school magazine, along with that I am also going to be producing a fashion show with some of my closest friends at school. All kinds of great things are on the way!
Oh and here is a lil teaser.....I am working on a very interesting concept that is going to empower woman all over and communicate very important information for all the ladies in your life! The 411 coming soon!

Peace & Love